Comparison Degree

Definition of Comparison

According to Salim Mansyur,M.Pd & Nurholis, S.S. Comparison degrees is a word that is used for comparison of properties of an object with another object properties

based on Pardiono Comparison degrees is a sentence with comparative pattern, which is used to express the meaning of the comparison.

Comparison is an expression used to comparhe properties of an object with another object. comparison other than apply the adjective can also apply to the verb by adding “more” after the verb.

Types of Comparison Degree:

  1. Positive Degree

Positive degree or commonly called an equal comparison, meaning that there are two things than that have similarities. As affixes usually have meaning Se- ( in bahasa )

The Pattern of Sentence :

1. Adverb Subject 1 Verb As adverb as Subject 2
2. Adjective Subject 1 To be As adjective as Subject 2

Example :


  1. Andi runs as fast as Ronaldo (Andi berlari secepat Ronaldo)
  2. They walked as slowly as a duck (Mereka berjalan selambat bebek)


  1. She is as beautiful as Amy Lee. (Dia secantik Amy Lee.
  2. My father was as old as his grandfather (Ayahku setua kakeknya)

Note: How if we want to make a negative comparison degree?

Example :

a. She is studying as lazily as he. (She is studying not so/as lazily as he.)

b. Lampung is as hot as Bali (Lampung is not so/as hot as Bali).


3. Noun Subject 1 Predicate The same (noun) as Subject 2



  1. Gerrard is the same age asRickie Lambert.
  2. They spoke the same languageas you.

2. Comparative Degree

In the form of comparative degree or unequal comparison, two were compared, one of which has to mean more or less (greater or lesser degree).

The Pattern for Comparative Degree :

Subject 1 Verb/tobe Adjective/adverb -er than subject 2
More/less Adj./adv.



  1. She is taller than I
  2. You are more diligent than she


  1. Sterling runs faster than Januzaj
  2. She works harder than her mother
  3. He walked more slowly thanhis grandfather.

Note :

no specific pattern to ‘intensify’ or the comparison so far by adding the word much / far before the adjective / adverbnya.

Example :


  1. She is much/far tallerthan I (dia sangat lebih tinggi daripadaaku)
  2. You are much/far more diligent than she.


  1. Sterling runs much/far faster than Januzaj.
  2. She works much harder than her mother.
  3. He walked much more slowly than his grandfather.

3. Superlative Degree

The superlative degree or be referred to the highest degree, in the Indonesian language can be defined by the word “most”. In the superlative degree, there are at least three people / objects being compared. Here is the pattern:

Subject1 Verb/tobe The Most/least Adverb/adjective
Adjective/adverb -est

Example :


  1. Dhila is the most beautiful lady in my class
  2. Amir was the tallest son in his family


  1. Jonny run the most quickly in the competition last week.
  2. She cries the most loudly of all the babies in the hospital.



Dr. Agus Salim Mansyur, M.Pd and Nurholis, S.S,Learning English Grammar, Bandung ,CV Pustaka Setia. 2008

Pardiyono,Communicative Grammar for EASY conversation,Yogyakarta , CV Andi Offset.2010










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